
Take your time looking through our curated photography stories highlighted below.


From weddings, to families, to cultural events, our art is a fluid evolution created by convergence of the eyes of the artist and the presence of the subject, from which results once in a lifetime visuals, unique and interesting photographs that will one day inform future generations of the moments you lived and loved in this


Kylie and Cat | Oaxaca Elopement

Kylie and Cat. While traveling in the Sierra Norte a few weeks ago, I received Kylie’s inquiry for our last open date of the month, the stars had aligned, yes of course I wanted to photograph her elopement. We hopped on a call and although we shared only an hour of time that day, we clicked, energy aligned, vibe on point, I could feel that these two shimmering humans were deeply connected and madly in love. Flash forward to last weekend, and there we were, rain dancing the waters away as their elopement day began in a beautiful home in the heart of the city. Now, let me tell you a bit about who they are, because they are honestly some of the best. Kylie is a captivating soul, she has a certain knowing about her, a soft confidence, she’s quick and bright and whimsical all at once. Imaginative and creative, bringing the visuals in her mind to fruition, one of her many talents. Cat is equally captivating, quirky and real. He has a certain vulnerability about him, it’s intriguing and true, his vows, words that connect and move between worlds, a space I imagine he knows well, this creation of connection with unassuming honesty. And so you can imagine, the union of two bright souls, connected and humble and so much fun, an honor it was to witness their love, to share in their joy. Every moment of their day filled with presence and reverence for their love. Their calenda overflowing with joy, dancing as bystanders joined them, cheering them on, it was epic and beautiful this crossing of paths, connecting of humans, sharing of joy. Thank you Kylie and Cat for all of it, every last moment, and congratulations dear friends!

Photos by Nikhol
Florals @bukefloraleventdesign
Calenda @monos_de_calenda_chepanes
Venue @casadelafortuna

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Our art is a fluid evolution created by convergence of the eyes of the artist and the presence of the subject, from which results once in a lifetime visuals, unique and interesting photographs that will one day inform future generations of the moments you lived and loved in this life.


Welcome to reportage wedding photography through our eyes.